Kratos is a free multi-physic Finite Element C++ open source code.
Basic formulation of the discrete element formulation using spherical or cylindrical particles
CODE_BRIGHT (COupled DEformation BRIne, Gas and Heat Transport) is a program that allows for thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis in geological media.
XFINAS FEM code enables a powerful nonlinear structural dynamic analysis with material and geometric nonlinearity.
SEMBA is a framework envisaged for simulations in the field of EMC based on FDTD and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in Time Domain (DGTD)
MAT-fem has been written thinking about the joint interaction of GiD with MATLAB for education purposes
Educational finite element codes: MATfem Read More »
ERMES (Electric Regularized Maxwell Equations with Singularities) is a finite element (FEM) code in frequency domain
ANURA3D: Numerical modelling and simulation of large deformations and soil-water-structure interaction using the material point method (MPM).
The Getfem++ project focuses on the development of a generic and efficient C++ library for finite element methods elementary computations