The new GiD15.0.4 official version has been released and is ready to download from our webpage.
Check what’s new in this version:
- Support for Windows WSL2 and Xming (to run GiD compiled for Linux in Windows with GUI using the “Windows Subsystem Linux 2” and x-window)
- Fix problems of login password when server is off
- Solved print to obj/svg creates extra lines&vertices on AMD Radeon graphics card
- macOs catalina corrected initial dir problem when changing to restricted folder for the first time
- Fix bug GroupsTranferToFacesSingle
- Fix bug UNV I-Deas mesh import
- Fix crash reading file with wrong contact volume
- Fix crash collapse points
- Fix bug of batch/undo creating circle
- Rhino export fix bug writing surface render mesh
- Fix duplicate nodes missing groups
- Allow 15gauss points for prisms
- Corrected crash when files new after read multiple of a single files/time-step
- Solved problem when listing a node when mesh is deformed and there is no deformation result for that node
- Corrected render flat 2D with xy view
- Corrected error: big axes drawn big and in the center when selecting volumes in render flat and vertex array mode
- Corrected error when cutting multiple meshes
- Corrected error in results cache when loading results with different meshes on each step and without index
- Update result index when combined with deformation and animation
- CustomLib tree, fix bug renaming from GiD group with childs using native groups
- CustomLib: changes related to includes
- CustomLib: Improving transform tool in
- Avoid crash creating menus when loading problemtype Code_brite
- fix bug Tcl command GiD_WriteCalculationFile nodes -return
- fix but transform classic units
- fix bug of GiD_Event_BeforeRunCalculation return -cancel-
- fix bug TKWIDGET: GidUtils::TkwidgetPickPointOrNode with DEPENDENCIES
- new subcommand GiD_Info check mesh contact_elements_connectivities