The new GiD14.0.2 official version have been released and its ready to download.
Check what’s new in this version:
- Graphical fonts can be drawnwith even smoother edges using lcd subpixel rendering on preferences –> fonts panel.
- Fixed bug that made GiD crash in some pathological situations with semi-structured volumes and skip entities automatically option set.
- Divide surface tool u == 0, v == 0 lines drawn enhanced
- Fixed bug concerning contact volumes orientation checking in the ‘repair model’ functionality.
- Fixed bug that made GiD crash in some configurations when SkipEntities option was set.
- Line graphs: added ‘2d constraint’ option to the contextual menu of line graphs, so line graphs are created by projecting the created line along the z axis to the surface and discarding the ‘z-coord’ of the surface (for the line variation and line projection options).
- Create results window: allow operate with results ‘on gauss points’ with more than 1 gauss point.
- Main Matrix results: corrected crash when reading these result types.
- Deformation on results’ icon bar: now the ‘1x’ button instead of deformation the mesh with factor 1x, asks the user for a new factor. also the scale is adjusted so that for very huge factors (1e+20) factor 1 appears as 1 and not as 0 (due to accuracy error).
- Polar graphs: now labels in polar graphs are shown where they should be. Selection of polar labels also works now.
- Logarithmic graphs: corrected problems when drawing and using logarithmic scale and options.