GiD-Fluent Interface allows the user to pre and postprocess all kinds of FLUENT 2D and 3D simulations, and it can be downloaded for free without any extra cost. The commercial package FLUENT is a powerful and flexible general-purpose CFD software developed by ANSYS, Inc. Thousands of companies throughout the world benefit from this engineering design and analysis tool, using FLUENT for a wide variety of multiphysics applications. Technical details of the GiD-FLUENT interface:
- A single environment (completely graphical) for both pre and postprocessing
- Powerful geometry repairing and meshing tools
- Boundary conditions, continuum and materials definition applied over geometry or mesh entities
- Intuitive interface (conditions are easy to create and edit)
- The interface supports all Fluent element types except polyhedra
- All the GiD pre and postprocessing tools are available
- The interface is compatible from GiD 9.1.0b and FLUENT 4
Click here for download and installation instructions
Full brochure can be seen here