The new GiD16.1.1d developer version has been released and is ready to download from our webpage.
Check what’s new in this version:
- macOS : in the standard panels, allow entering in GiD projects, like directories, when selecting files to open, save, import, export or read post-process.
- meshing/import mesh : corrected crash when using several threads after several meshing/imports…
- Allow listing entities of selected sets from the button and contextual menu.
- Tcl packages: included Windows and Linux libraries to allow the use tdbc::postgres tdbc::mysql and tdbc::odbc
- New subcommand GiD_Project write_template <template> <filename_out>
- New GiD_Event_BeforeSaveAsGIDProject <old_projectname> <new_projectname>
- New GiD_Event_BeforeSaveBackup <dirname>and GiD_Event_AfterSaveBackup <dirname>
- TKWIDGET: GidUtils::TkwidgetGetDirectoryButton
- Tcl GiD_Results get -sets : Corrected some errors when using multiple/dynamic meshes with contour ranges.