A new developer version have been released. GiD13.1.11d is ready to download from our webpage.
Check what’s new in this version:
- Geometry->Edit->Hole surface, now allow also planar surfaces, multiple holes, and define holes with lines or other surfaces
- Mesh->Edit mesh->Move nodes z raster (to set the z of the mesh from a raster file)
- Nodes/Elements to grid surfaces: allow select the desired entities.
- More features of Zmesher (cartesian mesher, for Finite Difference methods)
- Iges import, try to preserve groups
- Option to choose between different types of mesh in preferences window: Body-fitted, Embedded or Cartesian
- Unstructured mesher for volumes assignable to each entity, among Advancing front, Tetgen (Delaunay based) and Octree.
- Rearranged meshing preferences
- Background image read from file stored in memory to allow save/re-read it with the model
- Native support of HDF5 postprocess format.
- Correct bug merging multiple meshes
- Automatic animations: follow a node
- Vtk Tcl package updated from 5.8.0 to 8.0.1
- GiD_Event_BeforeSetVariable / GiD_Event_AfterSetVariable
- GiD_Event_GetRecommendedMeshSize, GiD_Event_MessageBoxGetGeneralMeshSize
- Calculix results import, fixed bug reading results of zero components
- CARAT IGA import, allow jumps in surface numbers
- GiD_Info Mesh EmbeddedDistances, to get the ids of nodes and distances to boundary for embedded mesh type