The FORM and FORCE 2019 conference, will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from 7th to 10th October 2019.
The conference incorporates the IASS 60th Anniversary Symposium (IASS SYMPOSIUM 2019) and the 9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures (STRUCTURAL MEMBRANES 2019).
GiD team will be present in the conference with our exhibitor booth. The atendees will be able to speak directly with the GiD developers, asking for questions, discussing about the latests GiD news and giving us feedback.
The conference
Following the customary celebration of the IASS Symposium every ten years in Spain and the Structural Membranes Conference every four years in Barcelona, the organizers have found an outstanding opportunity to merge both communities into a joint international conference that aims to provide a forum for state-of-the-art contributions and fruitful discussion in the broad fields of shell, spatial, tension and inflatable structures.
The conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza, a modern hotel in downtown Barcelona with very good connections to the airport and the city center. It is located in the heart of Montjuïc.
Find more information in the official website