iGP is the interface between GiD and PFLOTRAN and is developed by Amphos 21. GiD is a powerful universal, adaptive and user-friendly pre and postprocessor for numerical simulations in science and engineering and is developed by the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), a research and development organization based in Barcelona (Spain). PFLOTRAN is an open source, state-of-the-art flow and reactive transport code. iGP provides a powerful and user-friendly pre and post-processing environment to PFLOTRAN. In iGP, the user can define different regions, set different materials, apply different boundary and initial conditions, mesh complex geometries (using structured, semi-structured or fully unstructured grids), run PFLOTRAN and post-process the results.
Current capabilities of iGP are:
- Work with all the 3D element types available on GiD (e.g. tetrahedrons, triangular and rectangular prisms, etc.)
- Fully compatible with structured, semi-structured and unstructured meshes.
- Apply boundary conditions directly into the geometry.
- Create and customize materials with different properties and apply them to geometrical entities.
- Automatically generate PFLOTRAN input files and run them on the user’s machine.
- Post-process the results with contour plots, scatter plots, animations, etc.
For further information on iGP, please visit www.amphos21.com/producto/igp